The Circle warmly welcomes new members who are interested in any or all aspects of wine labels. No prior knowledge is required; indeed membership is a way of learning more about labels and having contact with others with the same interests.
If you would like more information please email us at
Many members have their own collections of labels, some with only a few labels, some with more extensive displays. Other members do not collect but are interested in matters relating to labels. Several museums and other institutions are also members of the Circle.
Membership entitles you to the Circle's Journal which is published annually with occasional Newsletters. Two annual meetings are held, one in the Spring and one in the Autumn, often combined with private viewing of special collections. Equally important is the opportunity for friendly face to face contact with other members.
Please open the document below which has fuller details and a membership application form:
The annual subscription for membership is £30. Subscriptions are due on 1 January each year and there are various methods of payment
By standing order from their UK bank account.
1) We recommend PayPal's recurring method which makes the payment automatic. This is a totally secure method and your PayPal or Credit/Debit details are not passed on to us.
For this method there is a link "Subscribe" at the very bottom of this page. (If you do not have an account there is an option to set one up.)
2) For those who would like to make a payment for a single year, we recommend you use PayPal. This is a totally secure method and your PayPal or Credit/Debit card details are not passed on. If you are paying by this method, please use the 'Add to Cart' button just below and proceed to payment.
Please email the Circle's Treasurer Stuart Wood, or phone him on 01689 601 979 (from outside the UK +44 (0) 1689 601 979) if you would like further information about the Circle, or wish to discuss any aspect of subscription or other payments
The Circle offers a number of items for sale. To order please contact Stuart Wood, Circle Treasurer (details above), let him know what you wish to buy and pay as indicated below. Prices are in Pounds Sterling (£) and include postage within the UK; the higher international prices reflect the cost of mailing elsewhere
Book - Boudoir Labels: £55 (£58 international)
Book - Sauce Labels: £17 (£20 international)
Book - Wine Labels 1730-2003: £40 (£58 international, but £80 to Canada)
Guide to illustrations in Wine Labels 1730-2003: £9 (£10 international)
Journal - back copies: each £6 (£7 international)
Marshall Collection catalogue of labels in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford: £14 (£17 international)
Enamel labels supplements each £6 (£7 international)
Circle tie £5 (£6 international)
To make payments to the Circle, please email Stuart Wood by clicking on his name here and indicate what you wish to purchase. Then there are then two methods of paying for the goods
1) By transfer to the Circle's UK bank account: (Bank: National Westminster Bank plc. Sort code: 60-80-06 Account number: 70882738) or by mailing a UK cheque, payable to 'The Wine Label Circle' to Stuart
2) If you do not have a UK bank account, you may pay using the "Add to Cart"(Paypal) button below. This button is available for any item of goods above bought by people without a UK bank account. So enter in 'Quantity' not the number of items you are buying but the total price in £s you are paying, So for an item costing £5 enter 5 as value in the 'Quantity' box, for an item costing £8 enter 8 in the 'Quantity' box; and so on - but please also email Stuart when making payment with your contact details and details of your purchase(s).
The button below is for Members' Recurring Subscriptions only.