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Welcome to the Wine Label Circle

The Circle is an association for people interested in wine labels in silver and other materials which identify the contents of decanters and bottles

For more information, please contact the Circle at


Meetings are held twice a year, London in the Spring and in the Autumn the Annual General Meeting which alternates between the Provinces and London.
Zoom meetings are held from time to time on specific topics, we started these during the Covid lockdowns and found great benefits as they have enabled us to involve and engage more fully with a wider section of our membership, particularly those who live overseas.

Our Journal and Newsletter

Our Journal, published Annually in the Autumn is supplemented by a Newsletter on a more frequent basis.

The Labels

A few examples are shown here, others can be found on other pages
Please click on a thumbnail to enlarge

Our Books

Dust JacketThe Circle has published three Books - Sauce Labels - 1750 - 1950 in 2002, Wine Labels 1730-2003 - A Worldwide History in 2004 and Boudoir Labels in 2012.
You do not have to be a member to buy and details on how to order can be found on the Books page
Click on the picture to enlarge

Aspects of the Circle

Wine Labels, also known as decanter labels or bottle tickets, adorn decanters to identify their contents - wines, spirits, sauces, toilet waters or medicines. Bin labels and mounted corks are other areas of interest, but not paper bottle labels

Silver wine labels, labels in silver plate, colourful enamels and mother-of-pearl are the main materials. Both antique silver wine labels and contemporary designs are studied.

Membership is open to all. We will be delighted to answer questions and welcome new members, whatever your interests or knowledge.
Contact us at

Last updated 26 September 2024
2024 Journal added to Member Area